ISO 3100:2009
Risk Management
Risk Management is the process of identifying, assessing and controlling threats to an businesses capital and earnings. These threats, or risks, could stem from a wide variety of sources, including financial uncertainty, legal liabilities, strategic management errors, accidents and natural disaster's.
Risk Management
There are many complexities to risk management and extensive consideration's, tasks and objectives including:

Risk Identification
Risk analysis
Risk evaluation
Risk treatment
Establishing the context
Monitoring and review
Communication and consultation
External and Internal stakeholders
Stakeholder objectives
Business processes, procedure's and requirement's
Our Blueprint risk management tools and techniques also include a wide variety of tools charts, maps, diagrams and process flows eg PESTAL, SWOT Matrix, Risk Matrix.
Risk management should be operating and functioning real time, be easily accessible
to staff at all times. To accommodate this we can offer BPA Quality 365 an innovative software for integrated quality and risk management platform, provided by BPA Solutions.
Consider undertaking an in-depth risk analysis of your business and develop your own definitive risk management Blueprint and become the clever compliant company you are!
Request to speak with a QA Auditor & ISO Management System Consultant for more information.